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William du Toit is an attorney, conveyancer, and notary public with 43 years of experience in private practice. He acts and has acted as a legal consultant to a number of law firms who has contracted him to enhance their legal services to their clients through his experience, knowledge, and innovative approach. He is also an accredited commercial mediator and has acted as an adjudicator for the Community Scheme Ombud Service (CSOS) for two years. A selection of the Orders he has issued in that capacity can be found elsewhere on this website.


The articles he has written (see elsewhere on this website) show his broad experience in various specialist fields of practice with property law dominating. Currently, he specializes in sectional title law. It has become clear to him that the complexity of the sectional title legislation and the heavy burden of the legal obligations placed on owners of sectional title property makes it inevitable that numerous disputes will arise in such community schemes as has been seen in the rising number of disputes being referred to CSOS for resolution. Experienced sectional title practitioners can play a vital role in alleviating this burden. He has focused on finding ways of preempting such inevitable disputes that arise by writing about such disputed areas and hopefully suggesting ways of resolving issues before they escalate to CSOS applications. Even when such disputes can’t be settled and applications to CSOS become inevitable, he is well-placed to render effective assistance in such matters because he has been on both sides of the argument, first, as a sectional title practitioner, and, second, as a CSOS adjudicator.


After all these years of practicing law, he still truly believes that law constitutes on of the most constructive instruments in ordering society for its own ultimate benefit.



Rule-followers, legal precedence and political consistency are not more important than right, justice and plain common-sense.

W E B Du Bois


Lawyers have their duties as citizens, but also have special duties as lawyers. Their obligations go far deeper than earning a living as specialists in corporate or tax law. They have a continuous responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of justice from which the law cannot depart.

Robert Kennedy


Wherever lawyers may find themselves, they have an abiding sense of being assessed against an often articulated standard derived from different experiences with but one name -justice. However many people may utter that word and the meaning they draw from it, lawyers have to find their own understanding of how they can align their clients’ interests with that standard. Lawyers are seldom able to perfectly mould the law to clients’ aspirations. They can but place their clients in the best position that their interests command in law. That is the only true endeavour a lawyer can truthfully undertake on behalf of his client.

William du Toit



Tel:          +27 (0)87 701 4812

Mobile:  +27 (0)83 270 4087

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